Sunday, January 06, 2008


It was explained to me at a party on Friday, that in the computer game Animal Crossing, you are asked to provide a word for your colony of cute, fluffy animals to say out loud to express their happiness and as some kind of greeting. Apparently the most popular word chosen by players for their adorable kittens and bunnies to say is Paedo.

You can link up your game with another player (via the internet or a wire or something,) and then some of your critters go and live in their game and you get some of theirs. This means you get a world populated by hamsters, guinea pigs and lambs saying Paedo, and sometimes for variety, Wanker.

If I played this game I would choose to hear the cute, excitable chipmunks and puppies say "knitting!"

or "downpipe"

or "antidisestablishmentarianism."