It doesn't take much
You can buy these one at a time here.
It's the same but less teeth rotting a thrill as buying penny sweets.
(See, pencils. That's a topic worth blogging about on the secret blog after months wasn't it....)
Other news:
Knitting - only really have this silk left from last year (unravelled props) to do something with. Am thinking about this - (it's the middle picture of the bottom line). Gorgeous.
Back - hurts to point of distraction and making me walk a bit funny and hip hurt. Going to doctors next week. Blame crappy desk.
Ukulele - not exactly practiced...I keep thinking about it though...(although thinking about practice is not the same as actually doing it - as I discovered when I failed my guitar grade 7.)
Not-so-high heel wearing - is too tricky for me. I need to practice this too. (Although my back might not agree with this idea.)
Then one day I will be a red high heels wearing, ukulele playing, femme fatale in a ruffly silk shrug, with a stubby pencil behind her ear for colouring emergencies....Sigh...