Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blue eleven*

A list of things that make me feel a lot more cheery:

  • Mango - Betacarotene a plenty. It's like eating sunshine. Squeeze lime over it. Use a fork not a spoon to eat it = satisfying skewering of the firm pieces that taste like pine.
  • Peanuts - reassuringly calm, sweet and funny.
  • Listening to King Street Junior - KSJ is just so rubbish, it's great. Overwhelmingly wonderfully stilted performances particularly from Mr Sim and any of the kids. The most unnatural dialogue ever crowbarred into a sitcom, providing the listener with a lecture on current developments in government education policy - "Oh no Mr Long, I can't believe we have to complete these learning target assessments on literacy and numeracy, it's a load of time-consuming poppy cock." And yet strangely someone kept recommissioning it for years.
*I only write on the eleventh of a month, I realise.

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